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Hospital Management Software (HMS) is designed to streamline the management of healthcare facilities. It is used to manage various aspects of a hospital's operations, including patient data management, appointment scheduling, inventory management, and billing, etc.

Dynamic System

Our Hospital HIMS software can speed up all of your activities & reporting. Moreover, it can manage all the important documents in a certain place with a dynamic management system.

Centralized Controlling System

HMS Software operates all works under a chain of command. It starts from the admin and ends at the bottom. One operational place helps to maintain it all easily and efficiently.

Accumulative services

With this system, you can manage the overall services including medical, financial, administrative, and so on. Moreover, the hospital management system helps you to cover the entire system efficiently.

Intangible handling

HMS Software can provide intangible handling facilities for the owners and the administrator. Because using this software, you can operate the entire system from any time and anywhere. Also, you can check any data and see any reports.

Ensure the best Medicare

This system ensures the best medical care service for the patient. Moreover, using this system, users can admit and discharge the patient easily. So, there is no additional formality in this system from admission to discharge.

Automation, Security, and Storage

There are many reasons why the whole hospital needs an automation system. Because this kind of system mainly aims at taking care of functional aspects of the entire hospital so that the medicare center can concentrate on enhanced patient care. Moreover, it aims to provide reliable automation of conventional systems simultaneously.Also, the system can provide excellent protection at every level of user-system interaction. As well as, it provides robust and reliable storage and backup facilities.

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Helps To Do All Alternative Vital Tasks

Being the desired and best hospital does not mean that you have to have a wide area and you can gain a lot. But the nice administration and management skills of all the staffers, nurses, and doctors to realize results, Managing and maintaining up-to-date information on patient care, medications and alternative technological methodology of providing service, etc. are the basic components of measurement for a quality score to be the best. And if you have got an automatic system that may pay attention to relieve you to try and do alternative vital tasks.

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Remains Hospital Error Free

As a human being, Is it possible for medical officers & employees to be erroneous staff? But every single mistake of misplacing of data creates a self-annihilation. However, all professional physicians and hospital managers do not expect any kind of error. So, you need to provide automated management software that can be able to eliminate the risk of various types of errors. Also, it can store all hospital-related data and guarantees that your hospital will be error- free if you follow the procedures.

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Track Every Single Information

Using this platform, you can monitor and track all activities of your system. Moreover, you can track the entire journey of each patient from appointment booking to medical emergencies. Also, it virtually carries the burden of hospital employees to travel through multiple files to know the patient's records. As well as, it will reserve data including doctors, nurses, and each hospital permanent and temporary worker who are working in your hospital according to locums you assigned on your hospital application and portal. So, it is the most important advantage of any hospital management system.

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Ensure The Best Patient Care

Instead of preserving and demonstrating knowledge, the collaborative intelligent hospital management system can share insights to optimize hospital staff usage, acquisition rates, clinical activities, and every aspect related to the hospital. Also, it can resolve any kind of errors and helps to understand the important tasks of users easily and automatically. The main purpose of developing this system is to provide a dynamic platform that helps to manage the hospital's patient history and staff records without creating a long written account. When you have patient care as you say, you would like to own the most effective management system that may pay attention to your hospital, and follow your hospital's processes.

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Rescue From data Violation

Data violation is one of the most alarming and detrimental things for a business. When any hospital records information manually, then sometimes there will be created confusion, and files will be misplaced. As a result, patients and staff have to endure a lot of suffering. So to solve these problems, we provide HMS which can handle all access points through authentication if each user needs to use the information. Also, it can verify that user's who can access their shift timings guaranteeing that out-of-turn information access is prohibited. Thus, this system will act as a doorman to recover from data breaches.

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Implements Dotty Care And Bed Issues

It is important to ensure that accurate information is being accessed at a time when there is a wide range of information to ensure that clinical departments are implementing dot care and bed issues. It'll facilitate pharmacists to produce medicines that are prescribed by the doctor. Aa well as, nurses to be conscious about the time that a patient must have medications. Moreover, this system can be able to provide notification for both the doctor and the patient after checking up.

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Ensure The Financial Growth

Ensuring a hospital's uninterrupted flow of revenue and funds is essential to ensure fully sustainable growth. Moreover, this hospital management system provides improved infrastructure and care. Developing an on-demand custom hospital management system not only saves time and quality but also generates reports to increase power. The most important thing is that we get all the necessary data on the market with a mouse click. This will scientifically facilitate the management of hospitals and respond to optimal financial growth.

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Hospital - Hospital Management System or HMS Software is mainly a system
that can help to maintain any hospital activities properly and easily. Moreover,
the hospital management system can be used as clinical software. Also, it
helps to keep records and monitor the activities of any hospital. So, this is a
complete HIMS software and the cheapest and easiest solution for managing
any hospital activities.


  • Centralize Patient Management 
  • Birth & Death Module
  • Announcements Module
  • Print Receipt in every module 
  • Charges, Payment & Bill in OPD 
  • Recheckup in OPD for Clinics 
  • Tradition in IPD 
  • Purchase Medicine in Pharmacy 
  • Medicine Selection in OPD and IPD prescription 
  • Manual Prescription in OPD 
  • OPD Doctor charges 
  • option to hide super admin visibility to other users 
  • drug dosage for prescription 
  • Move to OPD & IPD from Appointment 
  • Move to IPD from OPD 
  • Item Unit in Inventory 
  • Purchase Price in Inventory 
  • DOB ( date of birth) inpatient 
  • Discount xx Duty in IPD xx Pharmacy Billing 
  • Medicine Import in Pharmacy 
  • Patient Import 
  • Expiry Medicine Report 
  • Income Group Report 
  • Expense Group Report 
  • Inventory Stock Report 
  • Inventory Item Report 
  • Inventory Issue Report   



  • Front Office-for all OPD appointment and reception/ frontal office related activities like inquiries, calls, visitors, postal receive/ dispatch
  •  OPD- Out Patient-for all OPD patient registration, visits, revisits, old OPD cases 
  • IPD-In-Patient-for all IPD patients admission, consultant register, diagnosis, timeline, IPD charges, payments, bill, and discharged and patients 
  • Pharmacy-for all medicine list, stock, and pharmacy bills 
  • Pathology-for all pathology test details and patient test records 
  • Radiology-for all radiology test details and patient test records 
  • Operation Theatre-for managing patient operation conditioning and operation records 
  • Blood Bank-for managing blood group available bloodstock, patron details, and blood issue details 
  • TPA Management-Third Party Director for managing changes and records of insurance or medical companies 
  • Finance-for managing general income and expenditure Ambulance-for managing ambulance vehicles and ambulance call details 
  • Birth And Death Record-for managing all details of newly born babies birth and patients death 
  • Human Resource-for all the information related to staff members can be managed then like staff hunt, profile, attendance, payroll, leaves 
  • Messaging-it works like a notice board, basically a messaging system for communication to cases and staff 
  • Download Center-for managing downloadable documents that need to distribute staff 
  • Force- manage all the assets of your hospital with stocks and store them under the force module Front 
  • CMS- manage the front website of Smart Hospital then by creating pages, menus, events, galleries, news 
  • Reports-all the various reports related to different modules can be found then 
  • Patient-all patient-related details can be found then
  • Notifications-all automated notifications can be found then 
  • Timetable & ToDo List- track and manage all daily/ yearly activities and produce your task in the todo list \
  • Setup-configure Smart Hospital then for different settings like a hospital, sessions, admin password, SMS, Paypal, backup/ restore, language 




Price and Other Information Please call: +88 01854125454 or Email us: [email protected].

WhatsApp Number:+88 01854125454



Support & Maintenance & Training:

Unlimited Support over phone, email or live chat

Video Training: Free

Training in IT WAY BD: Free

Training at outside of IT WAY BD: 




Address : House-1(2nd floor), Road-1, Sector-05, Uttara, Dhaka-1230, Bangladesh

Mobile: +88 01854125454

Email: [email protected]

Web: www.itwaybd.com

Why Choose Us ?


We ensure 24/7 support to our client both offline and online. Our dedicated support team is ready for your call.


We collaborate clients many ideas with our skilled team. For helping our clients to implement their planning to the right way.


First Delivery provides dependable On demand, Rush, and Scheduled delivery services. We understand how to deliver professional service.


We have a strong experienced team that allows creating a solution & finished faster with a higher quality.


We have a dedicated young, energetic & strong team members to serve our client various services.


We follow strong information security systems that will protect associations' data resources cybercriminal exercises.

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