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Best Accounting Software in Bangladesh

Accounting and finance, which include keeping financial records, analyzing records, and budgeting for the future, are essential parts of running a company. They help in decision-making and give light on the financial health of a business.Simple Cloud based Online Accounting Software XTREEM AMS for your small business, built to manage and track your cash flow, purchases, taxes, profit & loss, balance sheet, sales, chart of accounts, income statement, assets and everything to stay on top of your business.

Financial Reports

Integrity is our cornerstone. Our practices are built on a foundation of ethical conduct, ensuring trust and reliability in every interaction.


Our software is designed to scale with your business, accommodating growth and expansion without compromising performance.

Data Security

IT WAY BD prioritizes the security of financial data and authentication measures to protect sensitive information from unauthorized access or breaches.

Cost Savings

Our software helps you reduce overhead costs associated with manual bookkeeping and administrative work, maximizing your bottom line.

Increased Efficiency

VISER X simplifies complex tasks, allowing your team to work more efficiently and focus on strategic initiatives that drive business success.

Increased Accuracy

Our software ensures accuracy in financial calculations and reporting, reducing the risk of manual errors that can lead to costly mistakes and compliance issues.

Comprehensive Financial Record Keeping:

Automated Ledger Management: Maintain precise financial ledgers with automated entry systems that minimize errors and ensure accounting standards compliance. Transaction Tracking: Record, categorize, and monitor all business transactions, including income, expenses, assets, and liabilities, for a comprehensive financial overview. Audit Trail: Ensure transparency and regulatory compliance with a secure and detailed audit trail of all financial activities. Real-Time Financial Monitoring: Access real-time data on financial transactions and balances, enabling effective cash flow management and prompt decision-making. Multi-Currency Support: Handle global operations with ease, thanks to multi-currency support that includes automatic conversion and reconciliation.

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Advanced Financial Analysis and Reporting:

Profit and Loss Analysis: Generate detailed profit and loss statements, offering insights into revenue streams and expense management. Budget vs. Actual Reporting: Compare actual financial performance with budgeted figures, helping to identify variances and refine strategies. Financial Ratios and KPIs: Analyze key financial metrics like ROI and debt-to-equity ratios to assess and enhance the company’s financial health. Cash Flow Forecasting: Use historical data for accurate cash flow forecasting, aiding in better financial planning and maintaining liquidity. Customizable Reports: Tailor financial reports to meet specific needs, from departmental budgets to project costing and investment analysis.

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Budgeting and Financial Planning:

Strategic Budget Planning: Develop and manage budgets across departments and projects, aligning financial resources with strategic goals. Scenario Analysis and Forecasting: Evaluate different financial scenarios to prepare for potential risks and capitalize on opportunities. Resource Allocation: Optimize financial resource allocation to ensure efficient use of funds and alignment with business priorities. Variance Analysis: Analyze budget deviations to adjust future budgets and improve financial accuracy. Continuous Budget Monitoring: Monitor budget performance in real-time, allowing for quick adjustments and proactive financial management.

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Integrated Financial Compliance and Tax Management:

Regulatory Compliance: Ensure compliance with local and international financial regulations, tax laws, and accounting standards. Automated Tax Calculation and Filing: Simplify tax management with automated tax calculation, reporting, and electronic filing. Document Management: Securely store and manage financial documents for easy retrieval and compliance. Risk Management and Internal Controls: Implement controls to mitigate financial risks and ensure data integrity. Audit Preparation and Support: Streamline audits by maintaining accurate records and preparing necessary documentation.

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Accounts Payable and Receivable Management:

Automated Invoicing: Generate and send invoices automatically, reducing manual work and ensuring timely payments. Payment Tracking: Monitor outstanding payments and due dates, improving cash flow management. Vendor Management: Track and manage vendor information, contracts, and payment terms to optimize supplier relationships. Debt Management: Keep track of outstanding debts, set reminders, and manage collection efforts to maintain healthy financials. Credit Control: Implement and manage credit policies to minimize risk and ensure prompt payment from customers.

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Payroll and Employee Management:

Automated Payroll Processing: Calculate and distribute employee salaries, bonuses, and deductions automatically. Tax Withholding Management: Handle tax withholdings, contributions, and benefits accurately, ensuring compliance with labor laws. Employee Self-Service Portal: Allow employees to access their payroll information, tax forms, and benefits through a secure portal. Time and Attendance Tracking: Integrate with time tracking systems to automate payroll based on actual hours worked. HR Integration: Sync with HR systems to streamline employee data management, from onboarding to payroll processing.

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Inventory and Cost Management:

Real-Time Inventory Tracking: Monitor inventory levels in real-time to manage stock efficiently and avoid overstocking or stockouts. Cost of Goods Sold (COGS) Calculation: Accurately calculate the cost of goods sold, helping to determine profitability and pricing strategies. Purchase Order Management: Automate purchase order creation and approval processes to streamline procurement. Inventory Valuation Methods: Support various inventory valuation methods (FIFO, LIFO, weighted average) to match business needs. Inventory Reporting: Generate detailed inventory reports, including stock levels, turnover rates, and reordering points.

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Multi-Dimensional Financial Reporting:

Departmental Reporting: Generate financial reports for individual departments, providing insights into performance and budget adherence. Project-Based Accounting: Track financials for specific projects, ensuring accurate budgeting and profitability analysis. Segment Reporting: Analyze financial performance by business unit, geographic region, or product line for deeper insights. Consolidated Financial Statements: Produce consolidated financial statements for multi-entity organizations, ensuring a unified financial view. Ad-Hoc Reporting: Create custom financial reports on the fly to address specific business questions or scenarios.

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Cash Flow and Treasury Management:

Cash Flow Projection: Project future cash flows based on historical data and current transactions, aiding in liquidity management. Treasury Management: Manage and optimize the company’s cash and investments, ensuring maximum returns and minimal risk. Bank Reconciliation: Automate bank reconciliation processes to ensure accurate and timely matching of financial records with bank statements. Working Capital Management: Monitor and optimize working capital to maintain financial stability and support business growth. Foreign Exchange Management: Handle multi-currency transactions and manage foreign exchange risks in global operations.

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Advanced Security and Data Protection:

Role-Based Access Control: Ensure data security by assigning specific access levels to users based on their roles within the organization. Data Encryption: Protect sensitive financial data with industry-standard encryption methods, ensuring confidentiality and integrity. Audit Logs and Monitoring: Maintain comprehensive logs of all user activities for security auditing and monitoring purposes. Backup and Disaster Recovery: Implement automated backup systems and disaster recovery plans to safeguard financial data. Compliance with Data Protection Regulations: Ensure compliance with local and international data protection laws, such as GDPR, to protect customer and company data.

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Why Choose Us ?


We ensure 24/7 support to our client both offline and online. Our dedicated support team is ready for your call.


We collaborate clients many ideas with our skilled team. For helping our clients to implement their planning to the right way.


First Delivery provides dependable On demand, Rush, and Scheduled delivery services. We understand how to deliver professional service.


We have a strong experienced team that allows creating a solution & finished faster with a higher quality.


We have a dedicated young, energetic & strong team members to serve our client various services.


We follow strong information security systems that will protect associations' data resources cybercriminal exercises.

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